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Block Fighter: Boxing Battle APK

الإصدار: 0.0.62

Hit, Attack, Beat Them All!

4.3 5,000,000

Virus free

  • Block Fighter: Boxing Battle APK
  • Block Fighter: Boxing Battle APK
  • Block Fighter: Boxing Battle APK
  • Block Fighter: Boxing Battle APK
  • Block Fighter: Boxing Battle APK
مراجعة المحرر

Bump, punch, and defeat all your enemies!

This is an action game in which you control a character made of blocks.
You can perform various movements with simple drag controls.
Hit enemies in front of you, collide with enemies behind you, fly into the air, and attack up, down, left, and right.

As you advance through the stages, you will encounter various enemies, including enemies larger than you and enemies with weapons.
Defeat many enemies to grow and become the best fighter in the world!

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