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iDevice APK

الإصدار: 1.0.20

A best way to know your device

4.0 2.3M 1,000

Virus free

  • iDevice APK
  • iDevice APK
  • iDevice APK
  • iDevice APK
  • iDevice APK
مراجعة المحرر

You can get system information (such as device name, device ID, Android version, IP address, etc.) or hardware information (such as CPU, memory, screen, etc.) through this app.

2m, green and environmental friendly.

Major Function

1. Get CPU Information
2. Obtain complete ram information and RAM usage (cache, swap space, total memory, free memory, etc.)
3. Obtain network information, signal strength, IP address, etc
4. It can monitor CPU and memory health
5. View the installed applications
6. Obtain complete battery information (power, voltage, status, technology, health, etc.)
7. Describe the configuration of the device in detail (suitable for computer beginners)
8. Provide front and rear camera test function, screen RGB test function, screen multi-touch test function

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