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K-Run Challenge 3D APK

الإصدار: 1.1.1

The Ultimate Survival Game

3.9 51M 1,000,000

Virus free

  • K-Run Challenge 3D APK
  • K-Run Challenge 3D APK
  • K-Run Challenge 3D APK
  • K-Run Challenge 3D APK
  • K-Run Challenge 3D APK
مراجعة المحرر

In K-Run Challenge 3D you play the ultimate survival game! Participate in wicked children games and challenges to win the price money and get out of debt. You are one of many players that accepted the mysterious invitation to compete and risk it all! Do you have what it takes to survive this battle royale?

• Intuitive one-touch controls
• Challenging gameplay
• Cool new challenges in the making!

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