HappyMod / Games / Man or Vampire‏ Mod
Man or Vampire‏ Mod Apk 1.6.2 [ازالة الاعلانات][لا يقهر][God Mode][Mod speed]

Man or Vampire‏ Mod Apk 1.6.2 [ازالة الاعلانات][لا يقهر][God Mode][Mod speed]

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وزارة الدفاع المعلومات:

يوصي أحدث إصدار
Game Speed Modifier / Ads Removed
Internal cheating device
1. God Mode characters are invincible
2. ONE HIT KILL must kill in one blow
For the first time the game runs, it will be required to turn on the floating windows of floating windows. Please find the game in the list, choose to open, and then open the game

Man or Vampire‏ Mod APK:

  • - الإصدار: 1.6.2
  • - بحجم: 74.56 MB
  • - السعر: حر
  • - الجذر المطلوبة: لا حاجة
  • - عروض الشراء داخل التطبيق: لا
  • - السعر: حر

Man or Vampire‏ Mod Apk 1.6.2 [ازالة الاعلانات][لا يقهر][God Mode][Mod speed] المميزات:

Man or Vampire‏ Mod Man or Vampire Mod APK 1.6.2 No Ads المميزات:

Game Speed Modifier / Ads Removed
Internal cheating device
1. God Mode characters are invincible
2. ONE HIT KILL must kill in one blow
For the first time the game runs, it will be required to turn on the floating windows of floating windows. Please find the game in the list, choose to open, and then open the game

A mysterious world where dead souls live, Paradise.Now, when the end of paradise is coming to an end by vampires guarding the periphery,Only the king of paradise can save the endangered paradise.Now the adventure to become the king of paradise begins.[Game Features]● Strategic battleUsing terrain in a turn-of-the-road battle leads to more strategic battles. The battle consists of party play, and the shape of the battle changes depending on the line and geography of the party. In addition, the skills that your colleagues have will have different ranges and targets that will work.● Anxious dungeonThere are various dungeons that are created randomly in humans or vampires. Map search to get out of dungeon is mandatory! Beware of dungeon bosses who suddenly appear and threaten with various patterns. There are already many expendables and accessories available to help you proceed with the dungeon.● Collect colleagues with diverse personalitiesGather your peers to go on an adventure together. There are a number of jobs available that highlight the individuality of colleagues. Through extensive content such as intimacy, monster elements, and party research, you can foster your colleagues stronger.● Fostering special charactersPlease grow up the main character. The main character is the only human being in the game and a vampire. You can change your job freely and learn advanced skills from your colleagues. Depending on how you use your main character, you can enjoy various games.# 2017 Google Indy Game Festival Top 10# 2017 MWU Event initial request# 2017 Game creation audition(Korea) 2ndThank you very much for all of you who love humans or vampires! Your valuable reviews are a great help for developers.Mail address : hideacorp@gmail.com[Access Rights Guide]● Essential access authority information[Space Privileges] - This privilege is required to install games and save game data.[Audio and Camera Access] - This permission is required to use the game recording and image attachment of Naver Cafe function in the game.# How to Revoke Access- Operating system 6.0 or later : Settings > Application Manager > App Selection > Permission > Access Revoke- Operating system less than 6.0 : Access can't be revoked, so it can be withdrawn by deleting the app

قراءة المزيد

المواصفات الكاملة

تحميل معلومات

بحجم 74.6MB
الإصدار 1.6.2
الإصدار Code 118
لغة af am ar as az be bg bn bs ca cs da de el en-AU en-CA en-GB en-IN en-XC es es-ES es-US et eu fa fi fr fr-CA gl gu hi hr hu hy id in is it iw ja ka kk km kn ko ky lo lt lv mk ml mn mr ms my nb ne nl or pa pl pt pt-BR pt-PT ro ru si sk sl sq sr sr-Latn sv sw ta te th tl tr uk ur uz vi zh zh-CN zh-HK zh-TW zu
نص إذن OTHER:
Allows access to the vibrator.
Allows using PowerManager WakeLocks to keep processor from sleeping or screen from dimming.
Allows an application to receive the ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED that is broadcast after the system finishes booting.
Allows an app to create windows using the type TYPE_SYSTEM_ALERT, shown on top of all other apps.
Allows applications to open network sockets.
Allows applications to access information about networks.
Allows an application to read or write the system settings.
Allows an application to read or write the system settings.

Operation Systems

مين صدق 21
مين Sdk TXT Android 5.0 (LOLLIPOP)
الهدف SDK 30
الهدف SDK TXT 30
نافذة متعددة No
يدعم شاشات small, normal, large, xlarge
Cpu armeabi-v7a
Open Gl Int 0
يدعم أي كثافة Yes
الكثافات 120, 160, 240, 320, 480, 640, 65535

User المميزات

Uses المميزات Screen hardware features:
Uses Not المميزات Touchscreen hardware features:
The app uses the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) telephony radio system.
The app uses the device's basic two-point multitouch capabilities, such as for pinch gestures, but the app does not need to track touches independently. This is a superset of the android.hardware.touchscreen feature.
The app uses the device's advanced multitouch capabilities for tracking two or more points independently. This feature is a superset of the android.hardware.touchscreen.multitouch feature.


التوقيع A7B3774480C00C2064EA19F159906241F9F9D225
Sha256 AB9E09A265FEBB9CD0AD883E0F2E56D098665237F0B26B6B6C0912CB4A5889A0
صالح من تاريخ Fri Apr 26 05:42:17 CEST 2019 until: Sun Apr 18 05:42:17 CEST 2049
رقم سري 2a9d19b2


قراءة المزيد

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جميع الإصدارات
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    Man or Vampire‏ Mod Apk 1.6.2 [ازالة الاعلانات][لا يقهر][God Mode][Mod speed]

    Game Speed Modifier / Ads Removed
    Internal cheating device
    1. God Mode characters are invincible
    2. ONE HIT KILL must kill in one blow
    For the first time the game runs, it will be required to turn on the floating windows of floating windows. Please find the game in the list, choose to open, and then open the game

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  • Man or Vampire‏ Mod Apk 1.4.6

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    القائمة وزارة الدفاع
    ضربة واحدة
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    مكافحة الحظر

    تثبيت الخطوات التالية:
    1 - إزالة الأصلي لعبة
    - إذا كنت لعبت مع وزارة الدفاع قبل أن يمكنك تثبيت وزارة الدفاع الجديدة أكثر من ذلك.
    2 - تحميل APK كتكوت
    3 - تثبيت تنسيم APK
    4 - استمتع

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